Proposal for Research Argument


Below is the worksheet that i worked on to propose my researched argument.  I enjoy how i developed this argument and how it changed from what it originally was going to be.  I got great feed back that helped me understand my audience more.

Phase 3: Proposal for Researched Argument

Please fill out this worksheet using the instructions provided and by reviewing the pages from our textbook, Writing Arguments, that are referenced below. Save this document and upload it to the Blackboard Discussion Board (not the “Submit Assignments” option) by the due date and time. Then, you’ll be offering feedback on two of your peers’ proposals, and will be receiving feedback from two of your peers.



See pages 116-117 in our text for additional sub-questions that will help you answer each of the following 5 questions. Each response should be 75-150 words.


  1. Who is your audience? (Ok if ~50 words)
My audience is religious people.  These people would be more conservative and they are prolife, some are anti capital punishment and some are pro capital punishment.  They would be divided on the issue of they were to discussed it.  Some would have read the bible completely and some would have just listen to the lectures given in the church.



  1. How much does your audience know about your issue?
They would know both sides of the debate of capital punishment and abortion, and if not there I will also beincluding facts about both arguments in the paper for them.


  1. What is your audience’s current attitude toward your issue?
They would find what I am sayig offensive and misguided.


  1. What will be your audience’s likely objections to your argument?
That there are rules in the bible placed there for situations like this.  That jesus allowd the state to crucify him even though he did nothing wrong.  That killing of an innocent is not the same as killing a murderer.



  1. What values, beliefs, or assumptions about the world do you and your audience share?
I am pro choice and anti-capitalpunishment.  This is not because I do not believe in kill crimals whom have commite horrendious crimes.  Instead it is because I do not believe the government has the right to kill someone for killing someone-this is too much of an inconsistency of it for my liking.  Therefore I would not share many values with my audience.  Instead this essay would be taking as an argumentative essay for the foundation of their beliefs instead.



Briefly introduce (and provide any useful background information for) the issue/topic. Consider this as part of what might be an introduction paragraph (but don’t include the attention grabber or your thesis). This paragraph should give your peers the context they need without indicating your stance. See page 53 for a reminder of this section in the organization of the classical structure of argument. Aim for 100-150 words.

The capital punishment debate has been happening for many years.   Many supporters of capital punishment are also




Check out the writing assignment (and student sample) shown on pages 65-66. Use this and the structure below as guides for providing your own outline. In addition to providing your issue question, claims, and opposing claims, you’re also tasked with inserting information about what evidence you’ll use. Remember that evidence can come in many forms. It’s likely you’ll be using the sources that you’ve found but don’t forget that logical reasoning, (personal) anecdotes, common knowledge, and everyday examples are also ok to use. Please note that you don’t have to use all 5 because/evidence options. And each evidence response can have multiple pieces of evidence. In other words, some of your “because” clauses will need many sources, reasons, or examples to support them, while other “because” clauses will only need one. It is up to you (and how you logically imagine your argument unfolding) as to where and how reasons and sources will fit under and support your claim. Finally, please note that you’re also asked to consider how you will respond to opposing claims.


Issue Question:

How is it that those who are in favor of capital punishment are not in favor for abortion?


My claim:

There is an inconsistency of values


The pro-life debate is about saving lives but there are people who support capital punishment and use religion as a means to do this

Evidence to support:

They believe the killing of an innocent is wrong and if you commit a murder you lost your innocent and deserve to be punished


Is the bible a good based on morals?

Evidence to support:

The Mosaic law orders “Thou shalt kill” people for committing such “crimes” as cursing one’s father or mother (Ex. 21:17), for being a “stubborn son” (Deut. 21:18-21), for being a homosexual (Lev. 20:13), or even for picking up sticks on the Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-35)! Far from protecting the sanctity of life, the bible promotes capital punishment for conduct which no civilized person or nation would regard as criminal.


This is even affect the politics

Evidence to support:

“Of the 33 states that restrict public funding of abortion, 27 permit capital punishment.  Of the 17 states that don’t restrict abortion funding, 12 don’t permit capital punishment.  And of the 39 executions carried out last year, 39 occurred in states that have panned “partial-birth” or second trimester abortions.


The Death penalty is used as a discrimination tool

Evidence to support:

Which nations are the great users of capital punishment? Well, in the year 2000—and the assumption is that China, where we don’t have statistics, but that they had been the principal user of capital punishment. The second nation is Saudi Arabia. The third nation is the United States. The fourth nation is Iran. Since 1975, 35 retarded people have been executed; people whose IQ is below 70


The bible orders the death penalty for murder of a human being, but not for the expulsion of a fetus.

Evidence to support:

One Mosaic law about miscarriage specifically contradicts the claim that the bible is antiabortion, clearly stating that miscarriage does not involve the death of a human being. If a woman has a miscarriage as the result of a fight, the man who caused it should be fined. If the woman dies, however, the culprit must be killed:


Opposing claim:

There is not an inconsistency of values, instead they co-excisist with the bible teachings


because the bible teaches that Good permits the government to kill those who have committed crimes against the capital

Evidence to support:

The crucifixion of Jesus in the New Testament for Catholics

Romans 13:1-7


The taking of an innocent human being is not the same as a capital offender

Evidence to support:

“It is wrong to take the life of an innocent human being, but the capital offender is not innocent. Therefore, capital punishment is morally justified.”



Consider here your response to the opposing claims, reasons, and evidence and free write your plans: Will you rebut the opposing claims with other claims/evidence that show it to be faulty, incomplete, or problematic in some way? Will you concede that the opposition makes a strong point? Aim for 75-100 words.

Indeed Jesus allowed himself to be killed, even though to Catholics he has not committed and crime, but because the state has decided that he has committed a crime.  Yet he was crucified and left to die there.  Throughout his teachings, if one is to actually read the bible, he preached forgiveness.  He ate with the sinners not the “holy people”, he begged for his father to forgive the Romans and Jews that put him to death because he knew that taking a life it morally wrong.  This is consistency.  This is not making an excuses as a way for some to be able to believe that taking a life whether born or unborn proper or not. If we are to go one way or the other and use religion as a means to bridge this gap then Jesus would actually say that capital punishment is not morally permissible, and neither is abortion.


A life is a life.  In the end life is lost when one is killed, this is not an argument on whether the baby has a life at conception or not, instead this is an argument with the consistency of moral.  How some accept some morals during certain periods and others during other times.  It is to note here if we are saying that abortion is wrong because a life is lost, innocent or not-because the baby could also grow up and become a rapist,




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