Proposal for Research Argument

Abstract Below is the worksheet that i worked on to propose my researched argument.  I enjoy how i developed this argument and how it changed from what it originally was going to be.  I got great feed back that helped me understand my audience more. Phase 3: Proposal for Researched Argument Please fill out this…

An Inconsistency of Life

Abstract This essay was about developing a researched argument. My argument was about the hypocrisy between being pro-capital punishment and anti-abortion.  This is different than other works done about this because I was not attacking any particular side or person, I let most of my argument be about logic and found fallacies within it.  This…

Response to How Rhetorical Tushnet Essay Is

Abstract: This essay was about learning how to read text rhetorically and understand what made Tushnet either rhetorically successful for the intended audience or not.  My intended audience were my peers, conservative and liberal, in the academic classroom, and it was not necessary for them to have read the article.  The essay was about how Eve…

Educational Reform

This phase was about developing our own Visual Argument, my poster, and reasoning as to why it is rhetorically successful.   My main claim for my image is about education and the necessity of reform; for the essay it is about how my poster was rhetorically strong because of how it appeals to my intended…

What is Writing?

Abstract: Below is one of the first time I wrote about what I believe is writing.  This is a question that was asked through out the semester and I notice that what I believe writing was has not really changed, it is fundamentally the same, but it has grown since this was first written on 4…

Self Reflection

This is the excerpt for a placeholder post. It can be deleted, or edited to make it your own.